Friday, September 23, 2022

On Dealing with Mental Health Issues


For any of my real world friends, and even long time readers, y'all will probably know that I struggle with mental health issues. I was diagnosed with Depression back in 2012 or so - an actual diagnosis, and not some quirky thing I say to get more views on TwitTok or whatever. Depression sucks. Big time.

Friday, September 16, 2022

On the Finding of the True Cross

On Wednesday, the 14th of September, we Orthodox (and a few other liturgical types) celebrate the finding of the True Cross by St. Helen (or Helena), the mother of St. Constantine the emperor of Rome. This feast is known as the Elevation of the Holy Cross.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. I'm on to my second week of my second month of working out. My general back pain has decreased, thanks to the exercise, and to a supplement that was recommended by a friend. That being said, I still have to be careful of what I do, because it can be very easy to hurt my back (or my foot as the case was last week).

Monday, September 12, 2022

The Hail Mary is Biblical


Many are familiar with the Hail Mary that the Roman Catholics use. Of course many Protestants protest the use, crying idolatry to any who dare utter the prayer. I find it funny, however, that those who rely on Sola Scriptura are so against a prayer that is Biblical. Below I will lay out the case.

Friday, September 9, 2022

There was a Time

There was a time when I knew what I wanted to be. There was a time that I thought that I had life all figured out. There was a time when I didn't think that I knew everything, but that I knew enough to survive and thrive. There was a time that I was never wrong. And boy, was I wrong.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

Today marks the start of the new ecclesiastical - or liturgical - year in the Orthodox Church. This is also called indiction from a Roman term for a period of 15 years that marked the reassessment of taxes. Eventually, indiction came to mean a year within that cycle, and it also became new ecclesiastical year for the Orthodox Church.