Monday, October 23, 2023

On the Ongoing Crisis in Gaza

About nine years ago I wrote about Isis, Palestine, Israel, and Why We Should Care and now, I am saddened that I should have to revisit a lot of what I wrote.


Before continuing, most of what I wrote back then still applies, most especially that I do not support any, and I do mean ANY, terrorist organization. It does not matter to me if it is State sanctioned terrorism or not. Terrorists can get bent.

Also, I do not hate Jews, Muslims, or Arabs. Let me be clear, because people love to claim I am anti-Semitic for not kneeling down and worshiping the atrocities perpetuated by the State of Israel, I do not hate Jews, Muslims, or Arabs. What I hate - and by hate I mean absolutely despise - is the use of violence against innocent people.

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