Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The OCU is Mad

 I saw this come across my feed earlier, and since I am the paragon of all things spiritual and political, I felt like I needed to weigh in. Also, I am a paragon of nothing.

According to this article from OrthoChristian, it seems that the Metropolitan of the so called Orthodox Church of Ukraine is quite miffed that the Orthodox Church of Poland is not communing or concelebrating with clergy from the OCU.

I guess Met. Epiphany doesn't realize that the vast majority of the Orthodox jurisdictions do not see him or his so called church as legitimate. No, I do not think his church is legitimate, but I will use his self-appointed title, much as I would for Pope Francis, or Archbishop Justin Welby.

I have posted before about why the OCU is not a legitimate church, and the actions that happen when one jurisdiction decided to pretend it was.

From the article:

“The Orthodox Church of Ukraine was canonically created and recognized as an autocephalous sister church…,” he writes, “Therefore, we don’t see any canonical basis, except for subjective bias, which would prevent the establishment of a normal order of communion between our Local Churches.”

Well, Met. Epiphany is wrong. The OCU was not canonically created. There are many jurisdictions which say that the OCU was not canonically created, nor that the EP had the authority to make a new autocephalous jurisdiction in the canonical territory of another jurisdiction. Met. Epiphany also states that it is a subjective bias that prevents communion between his wannabe church and the Church of Poland.

However, also noted in the article, Met. Sawa of the Polish Church gave an interview (dated 14AUG2022) in which he reaffirms his jurisdictions stance that Met. Epiphany is not in fact canonically ordained - much as I stated in a previous blog post.

Met. Epiphany is playing pretend, and is mad that no one else is wanting to pretend with him. I believe that he has been pretending for so long that he has started to believe that his little game is in fact reality, but at the same time, I suspect that he knows deep down that this game he is playing is a farce and he is just trying to stick it to the MP.

The EP is playing Pope. He is trying to overreach his canonical boundaries and say, "Oh, it has always been this way, my office has just never used these privileges before because we just didn't want to." The problem is, no one is believing him, aside from the Greeks and the Ukrainians who just don't like Russia - and then it isn't as much as believing him as much as it is just wanting to stick it to Russia.

For every supporter of the EP's actions, I have seen at least 3 comments showing from a canonical POV that he is wrong. But those supporters are about as stubborn as Trump supporters in realizing that they are wrong. They just double down, and continue to kiss ass feet.

To any of my readers who are supporters of the OCU, I would apologize, but I am not sorry for my harsh words, nor my harsh take on the issue.

I will reiterate that what should have happened is that the schismatics should have repented first and foremost to be received back into the canonical Orthodox Church (being the MP), and then they could have potentially had talks with the MP about becoming autocephalous. The EP never should have entered the picture since the dispute was not between two canonical jurisdictions.

So not only is the OCU mad because others aren't playing pretend with it, the OCU is mad for thinking that others would go along with it's charade. And those who do go along with the charade are quite mad, as well.

Please pray for me, a sinner.

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