Monday, January 24, 2022

On Raising Children

Well, this one took a turn for me. I thought I knew the direction I was going to write this morning, but instead of covering a few different topics and tying them all neatly together, this Lectio Divina just kind of stayed the course.

This Lectio Divina comes from today's reading of the Reflection section of The Prologue From Ohrid. I had intended to use The Rule of Saint Benedict Ch 6, as well as the Homily from today's Prologue as well, but that did not happen. My thoughts just seemed to stay focused on the Reflection. Without further ado.


It is not unusual to hear parents say that they want to secure a life for their child. To do this they attempt to work hard to amass wealth, and to educate their child into a vocation that amasses more wealth and material benefits. Even people who call themselves Christians do this. Their concept of a real life and the real security of life is erroneous. A true Christian parent prepares their children for a real life.

Blesses Euphrosyne told her son, St. Clement of Ancyra, 

"Do me the honor, O my son, and bravely stand up for Christ and confess Him strongly and without hesitation! I hope, in my heart, that the crown of martyrdom will blossom from you in my honor and for the salvation of many. Do not be afraid of threats, nor swords, nor pains, nor wounds, nor fire. Let nothing separate you from Christ, but look up to heaven and from there await your great, eternal and rich reward from God. Fear God's majesty; be afraid of His awesome judgement, tremble at His all-seeing Eye, for all those who deny Him will receive the punishment of unquenchable fir and eternally vigilant worm. Let this be my reward, my sweet son, for my pain in child-bearing and effort surrounding your education that I may be called a mother of a martyr. The blood that you received from me, do not spare but shed it, from that, I can also receive honor. Submit your body to torture that I, too, may rejoice before the Lord as though I myself had suffered for Him."
This seems macabre that a mother would be telling her son to not be afraid of threats and swords, but to instead be a martyr. But Blessed Euphrosyne knew the true reality that Christ is King and that we should live and die for His glory.

We should focus - and teach our children to focus - not on the earthly things, but on the spiritual things. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"(St. Mark 8:36 KJV) "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (St. Matthew 10:28 KJV) "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither most nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal: For where your treasure is, there will be your heart. (St. Matthew 6:19-21 KJV)

As Christ taught us how to live to in order to be saved, so too should we teach our own children and godchildren how to live. This world only offers us the temporary; even the greatest of fortunes will pass away. But the next world offers us eternity. We should be storing our treasures where we are promised eternity, and we should be teaching our children the same.

Our Children should see Christ in us. When they look at us, they should see the eternity - the eternal paradise - that we tell them about. If we do not truly believe in the promises and rewards of the next life, if we do not truly believe in the reality of Christ as the Victor, if we merely pay lip service to the teachings of Christ and His Church then our children will notice, and they will follow suit. If we do not keep our focus on heaven, and allow the world to distract us with quick and easy temporary wealth, then our children will notice and follow suit.

We wonder why our children are leaving the Church more and more with every generation, but what example are we living for them? We are so concerned with our churches being Greek, or Russian, or even American instead of being concerned that our churches are a bastion of Truth and an example for our children in how to live their lives.

God knows that I have failed my children in being the example that I should have been. I pray that God forgives me, and that my children will also forgive me. I pray that God will help me be the example that I should be. Amen.

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