Thursday, January 25, 2024

New Year Update

Well, the Holiday season is over, as well as the fasting season. Things were busy in the household I'm currently living in trying to get things ready for the Nativity. Some things have changed which hopefully mean that I will be able to focus on this blog just a bit more. I still have plans to keep posting old blog articles here, and I hope to get back to that soon as well.
One thing that I really look forward to is continuing my Orthodox education. I came across a website based in the UK that offers a free diploma course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life. This course is blessed for use in the UK and Ireland by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Great Britain and Ireland, and can be completed via distance learning. 
The great thing is that I can do this at my own pace, and after finishing all three years worth of material I can get a diploma. 
This seems similar to how the St. Stephens course (now a part of the Antiochian House of Studies, which is also now accredited) was done previously, but for free. I never did the St. Stephens course because of a lack of funds.
The E-Quip course (that is the name of the course) gives you the materials that you need, and offers assistance when it comes to writing the essays that are required to move from one term to another. 
Any way, that is just one thing that I look forward to in this new year (I've already started reading through the lectures, now I need to go back and start taking notes).
My Holiday season was pretty fun, starting with Halloween and continuing on. I've had some fun little adventures with a special someone. I don't really want to go into too many details on my blog, but if you follow me on Facebook and Instagram, you'll probably know what I'm talking about. 
I will say that I love visiting and seeing small towns that are kind of off the beaten path, and I've been getting out to see some on this list, though I have been to some of them already previously.
Unfortunately, I am still unemployed, and I've been neglecting my blog during the holidays. I'm hopeful that both will change in the coming weeks.
However, that all being said, I am still actively trying to improve myself and my life so I can be the best father for my children. I want nothing more in this life than to have a happy, healthy, and loving relationship with them, and everything that I have done and am doing is so that can be a possibility. I love my girls, and it is my deepest hope that we can be reunited.
May it be blessed!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.

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