Monday, September 25, 2023

Verily: An Argument


It never fails: every year during the Paschal season, an argument (by which I mean usually light hearted bickering) breaks out about the proper response to the Paschal Greeting.

For those that don't know, or can't remember, the Paschal Greeting is, "Christ is Risen!" To which the response can be - depending on your jurisdiction and parish, "Truly, He is Risen!" "He truly is Risen!" "Indeed, He is Risen!" or even, "He is Risen, indeed!"

This will sometimes lead to a discussion about which English word best fits the Greek used in the response.

In Greek, the greeting is Χριστός ἀνέστη! - Khristós (or Christos as is more commonly seen) anésti! Christ is Risen! And the response is Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη! - Alethós (or Alithos) anésti! ...

It is that word "alithos" that no one can seem to agree on how to translate. If you throw the word into Google Translate it will tell you that the word translates into English as "truly." There we go, case closed, pack it up boys!

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